Boy Names Starts with the alphabet L is here...
Boy Name | Meaning | La | Any | Laabh | Profit | Laadah | To assemble together, to testify, passing over. | Laadan | For pleasure, devouring, judgment. | Laaek | Wise; Capable | Laaiq | Variant of La'iq: Able. Fit. Deserving. | Laajbir | Highly Respectful | Laalamani | Ruby | Laalit | Loved; Pampered | Laasak | Dancer, Body, Playful, Peacock, Another | Laavindeep | Illuminated, infused lamp, Bright future | Laayak | Fit, Clever, Capable | LABAAN | Somali name. Meaning unknown. | Labaka | Melodious Sounds | Laban | White | Labana | The moon, whiteness, frankincense. | Labeeb | Sensible; Intelligent; Variant of Labib: Sensible. Intelligent. | Labeed | Understanding, Sensible, Intelligent | Label | lion | Labh | Gain | Labham | Profit; Gain | Labhansh | Gain; Advantage | Labhit | Beneficial | Labhras | Laurel. | LABHRUINN | laurel | Labhsha | Lovely Person | Labhshanker | Advantage of Lord Shiva; Gaini | Labhu | Pleasure | Labib | Sensible. Intelligent. | LABID | meaning unknown | Lablab | Ivy | Labon | White | Labonita | beautiful one | Labrencis | Laurel. | Lach | Lives near water | Lache | Lives near water | Lachie | The boy from the Lochs. Warrior. | Lachish | Who walks, or exists, of himself' | Lachlan | From the land of lakes. | LACHLANN | from Scandinavia |